Coyote Linux
- A floppy-based firewall; with a menu-based interface for local administration; provides both SSH and a Web-based interface for remote administration.
DD-WRT | Unleash Your Router
- A Linux-based, open source (GPL v2) firmware replacement for many wireless routers (most notably the Linksys WRT54G (including the WRT54GL and WRT54GS) and Buffalo WHR-G54s,WHR-HP-G54), embedded systems, and PCs.
- Used for firewalls, routers, gateways and servers; boots and runs from a CD-ROM.
EURONODE.ORG : Open Source GNU / Linux Debian Systems
- A set of Debian GNU/Linux distributions that can be used for a high performance server or firewall; three distributions available: minimal Woody, simple firewall, and advanced firewall.
Firestarter Linux Firewall
- Easy to use graphical tools for setting up, administrating and monitoring firewalls for Linux machines. It supports the 2.4 and 2.6 kernels, and is translated into 38 languages. This is a GNOME application, but can be used on KDE and other desktop environments, servers and gateways. Latest stable release is 1.03, 2005-01-29. N.B.: There are still lots of daily downloads of this software at
Firewall Builder
- Multi-platform firewall configuration and management tool. Site provides very good documentation, including an English-French FAQ, install & build instructions and a tutorial. Latest stable release is 4.2.2, 2011-04-21.
- A static router with the advanced firewall-capabilities in Linux that fits on one single floppy disc.
GNU Zebra
- Free software (as in freedom) that manages TCP/IP based routing protocols. It is released as part of the GNU Project. Latest release is 0.95a, 2005-09-08.
Gibraltar Firewall
- A Debian- based router and firewall package that boots and runs from a CD-ROM. Free for in-house commercial and non-commercial use.
IPTables Tutorial
- One of the best iptables tutorials available. (2007)
- An iptables-based firewall configuration tool for KDE. Latest stable release is 1.1.1, 2008-01-30.
LEAF - Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall
- A secure, feature-rich, customizable embedded Linux network appliance for use in a variety of network topologies. Used primarily as an Internet gateway, router, firewall, and wireless access point.
LinWiz - Linux IPTABLES Configuration Wizards
- Configuration wizards currently available for a personal firewall and a server firewall; a dedicated family firewall and small office firewall is planned.
Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO
- A very hands-on approach to iproute2, traffic shaping and netfiltering options in Linux. Translations available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Polish, and Spanish. (2002)
- This document describes how to obtain, install and configure the enhanced IP firewalling chains software for Linux, and some ideas on how to use them. N.B.: Latest version is 2000, with nothing more recent available. This is a fundamental resource authored by Rusty Russell, a well-known kernel developer.
Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
- This is a daemon that emulates Microsoft's Internet Connection Service (ICS). It implements the UPnP Internet Gateway Device specification (IGD) and allows UPnP aware clients, such as MSN Messenger to work properly from behind a Linux NAT firewall. Latest release (beta only) is linuxigd-1.0, 2007-02-07.
MRTG: The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
- A cross-platform SNMP network device monitor (and a whole variety of other network devices) which can draw pretty pictures showing how much traffic has passed through each interface. Latest stable release is 2.16.3, 2008-05-16.
P2P Traffic Filtering for Linux Firewalls
- The P2Pwall project provides tools and documentation on using Linux iptables for filtering traffic from peer-to-peer file sharing applicationssuch as Kazaa and others. - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall
- This is the site to visit for information on configuring routers; also provides configuration for games and services such as BitTorrent, Icecast, World of Warcraft, GNUtella, Hoyle games, and Doom 3. Also available in French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Quagga Software Routing Suite
- IPv4/IPv6 routing software. Latest stable release is 0.98.6, 2006-05-08; latest development release is 0.99.14, 2009-07-21. Note from Developers: This release should be considered a 1.0.0 release candidate. Please test this release as widely as possible. This is a fork of the GNU Zebra project.
RUS-CERT - fwlogwatch
- Firewall log analyzer and real-time attack detection and response tool. Latest release is 1.1, 2006-04-17.
- An open source firewall distribution based on the GNU/Linux operating system.
The netfilter/iptables project
- The premier site for information on Linux firewalls and routers; contains extensive documentation in many languages, mailing lists, downloads, security information, and news.
- An open source (GPLv2) security gateway complete with 14 applications including intrusion detection, spam, phish, and virus blocking, web content filtering, firewall, and remote access applications - VPN and remote access portal. Latest release is 7.3.0, 2010-06-03.
VTun - Virtual Tunnels Over TCP/IP Networks
- This software creates virtual tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping, compression, and encryption. It supports IP, Ethernet, PPP and other tunnel types.
Welcome to XORP
- An open source software router platform; implements routing protocols for IPv4 and IPv6.
Wonder Shaper
- Script which can be configured to rate-limit uploads so that low latency and high download speeds are maintained; originally part of the Linux Advanced Routing & Shaping HOWTO.
YA-Faq - Clarkconnect Faq
- This site is aimed primarily at the users of the ClarkConnect firewall software; it is a central repository for information on ClarkConnect. NOTE: must be a registered user to access most of this site.