AT76c503a - Linux Driver for Atmel AT76C503/505A-based USB WLAN Adapters
- An information guide for this driver including compiling, installing, starting, configuration, troubleshooting, distribution-specific issues, running with kernel 2.6.x, how to set private wireless parameters, chipsets & restrictions, and table of devices. Last updated 2004.
Everything USB
- * A huge USB site with tons of information on USB hardware, applications, and the latest news. There is also a user forum.
Linux Hotplugging
- A resource site for Linux hotplugging (allows users to plug in new devices on their computer and use immediately).
Linux USB
- THE central point of information for USB support under Linux.
- UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer) is a cross-platform utility that can create live USB systems and can load a variety of system utilities or install various Linux distributions and other operating systems without a CD.
USB Support for Linux
- Includes links, USB news, documentation on how to get USB devices to work, driver information. This site is a little dated, but is still useful.