3Com Software Library - 3Com Linux drivers
- The download area for 3Com Linux drivers. N.B.: Somewhat dated - for the Linux 2.2 and 2.4 kernels. Nothing newer available on this site.
Affix Bluetooth Protocol Stack For Linux
- A GPL'd Bluetooth Protocol Stack for Linux; supports core Bluetooth protocols like HCI, L2CAP 1.1, L2CAP 1.2, RFCOMM, SDP and various Bluetooth profiles.
Linux & Wireless LANs
- Site includes "The Linux Wireless LAN Howto" and extensive list of LAN resources - LAN drivers, wireless Linux software, security software, other wireless howtos and help sites, public wireless Linux networks, hardware, and general Linux links.
NetWinder.org - Main Page
- Netwinder is a small, low power computing platform with all the features of a PC.
Practically Networked
- Practical, easy-to-understand help for small network builders; extensive troubleshooting information, tips on getting special applications to work through firewalls, and product reviews on hardware routers, hubs/switches, wireless and HomePNA LAN products.
Wireless Tools for Linux
- Linux Wireless Extension and the Wireless Tools is an open source project sponsored by Hewlett-Packard. Wireless Extension is a generic API allowing a driver to expose to the user space configuration and statistics specific to common wireless LANs. Wireless Tools is a set of tools allowing to manipulate the Wireless Extensions.