42 of the Best Free Linux Games
- A compilation of Linux games organized into broad subject areas. Each entry has a summary, license information, developer list, system requirements, and a link to the homepage. Criteria used for this list are: Free to play (no download charge, no monthly charge); doesn't require Wine to run; and must not be in early stages of development. N.B.: Part two of this series can be found here: 42 More of the Best Free Linux Games - http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20080522164112313/Games-Part2.html . Both parts last updated 2011-04-06.
Games for Linux
- A searchable Linux games database; for each game the following information is provided: subject category, author, description, size, tarball, dependencies, homepage, operating system, and user rating.
Linux Game List
- A searchable database of well-established Linux games.
Linux Gamer Guide - StrangeGamer.com
- A resource site for Linux games; includes gaming news, HOWTOs, links & directories, and a list of games organized by genre.
Welcome New Breed Software
- Primary focus is games software, but useful libraries, utilities and tools are included. N.B.: Some of the games for Linux are freeware, which does not include the source code.