- A detailed HOWTO on the Advanced Package Tool (APT) for SUSE users; includes tips and tricks, package repositories, new rpms added to the apt repository, and documentation. (2007)
APTonCD, The Ubuntu "CD/DVD 2" Creator
- A GUI-based tool that creates a backup (CD or DVD) of all packages installed using apt-get; particularly useful for those users with slow Internet connections. Available in Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
- A third party rpm repository for Red Hat 7.3, 8.0, and 9; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4; Fedora Core 1-6; rpms organized by distribution, name and subject.
Alien - Package Converter
- A program that allows interchangability of packages with different distributions by converting between Red Hat rpms, Debian dpkg, and Slackware tgz file formats.
AptRpm - CncMoin
- A port of Debian's APT tools to a RPM- based distribution, such as SUSE, Red Hat, and ALT-Linux.
- Perl script to upgrade both RedHat rpms and third party rpms.
- A multi-distribution binary packaging framework for Linux systems. Latest stable release is 1.4.2, 2009-05-24.
Checkinstall Home Page
- A handy utility with which you can build an .rpm or .deb or .tgz package that will install using the associated packaging tools. Latest release is 1.62, 2009-12-26.
DAG: Apt/Yum RPM Repository
- A repository of add-on RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (2.1, 3, 4 and 5); Fedora Core (1, 2, and 3), and Red Hat Linux (6.2, 7.3, 8.0 and 9), for i386 and x86_64.
Debian Backports
- Recompiled packages (primarily from Debian testing and some from Debian unstable for security updates) which will run without new libraries on a stable Debian distribution.
GetDeb - Software for Ubuntu Linux
- An Ubuntu software portal with ready-to-install applications in Ubuntu's default package format. It was created to simplify the installation of new software for Ubuntu users. GetDeb focuses both on providing newer versions of software included in Ubuntu and software that is omitted from the official repositories. PlayDeb is an ancilliary project to GetDeb but with an explicit focus on games. Click on the Games link to access this.
IBM developerWorks Articles - "Packaging software with RPM"
- This is a 3-part series on packaging software with RPM. Part 1 deals with building and distributing packages; Part 2 looks at upgrading and uninstalling software; and Part 3 discusses accommodating software dependencies. All three articles are also available in Japanese and Spanish. (2010)
- A website from which users can create customized installation images for various flavours of Linux; particularly useful for system administrators who need to standardize their system install routines.
Klik - Linux Software Download
- A software client that provides an easy way to download and use software for most major Linux distributions.
Linux App Finder
- An application software database, organized by subject categories. Users of Debian-based distributions will find this site a quick reference of available deb packages for each of the applications. Also included is a handy chart of alternative Linux applictions for Windows and OS X software.
Medibuntu :: Multimedia, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu
- A repository of packages that cannot be included in the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons related to geographical variations in legislation regarding copyright, licensing, patents, and security. This repository has sections for free and non-free software.
Package Management: APT for RPM
- A walkthrough article about APT, a packagement tool that makes installing and uninstalling software a snap. Particularly geared to Red Hat and Fedora users. Also available in Spanish. (2004) N.B.: This article is a little dated, but the information is still valid. Some links do not work.
Penguin Liberation Front
- A packaging project dedicated to distributing software that cannot be included in Linux distributions for various reasons such as software patents, the DMCA, and strong cryptography prohibition in many countries.
Planet CCRMA at Home
- A collection of rpms for RedHat 9 or Fedora Core 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 to create an audio/video-oriented workstation with a low-latency kernel, current ALSA audio drivers and a set of music, midi, audio and video applications.
RPM Fusion
- A third-party RPM repository for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) users. There are two distinct sections: free and non-free. The Dribble, FreshRPMs, and Livna repositories have been merged into this repository.
RPM Package Manager
- A resource site for RPM-related information. RPM is the standard Linux/UNIX packaging tool. Latest production release is 5.2.0, 2011-07-07. N.B.: As of June 2010, there are two versions of RPM in development - one led by the Fedora Project and Red Hat (rpm.org), and the other by a separate group led by a previous maintainer of RPM, a former employee of Red Hat (rpm5.org/).
RPM Package Manager Wiki
- This is the resource site for the RPM Package Manager(RPM), a command-line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. Latest production release is 4.90, 2011-03-02. N.B.: As of June 2010, there are two versions of RPM in development - one led by the Fedora Project and Red Hat (rpm.org), and the other by a separate group led by a previous maintainer of RPM, a former employee of Red Hat (rpm5.org/).
RPM Search
- This RPM site is both an indexing service and a large repository. A very handy site because it has the more obscure sites plus all the different mirrors of a distribution.
RULE: A project to Run Up2date Linux Everywhere
- Making the current versions of Fedora Core Linux installable and useable, even on limited or older computers. Target users: schools, public and private organizations, and developing countries.
- A tool to repackage/modify rpm packages.
- A script to handle Slackware package updates, upgrades, installs, removes. It functions similarly to apt-get, the Debian package manager. Latest stable release is 1.6.3, 2006-10-27.
- An automated tool for management of Slackware Linux packages. Latest stable release is 2.70, 2008-01-2008.
Smart Package Manager
- The goal of this package manager is to creat smart and portable algorithms for managing software upgrading and installation. This tool works on all major distributions.
- Software that automates Linux installs, software distribution and production deployment. Latest stable release is 3.8.1, 2007-04-01.
The apt4rpm Homepage
- Apt for rpm-based distributions; a tool to convert an rpm repository into an apt, yum or metadata repository. See Related Material link for links to package management-related sites.
The freshrpms.net Homepage
- Custom RPMs for Red Hat and Fedora Linux; also has a mailing list and archives.