Announcement of LoLL-1.1.0
- What: Database and software to generate a website with 4000+
subject-classified and searchable Linux links for all levels of
Linux users.
- Where: Loads of Linux Links (LoLL)
home page,
project page,
file release area,
CVS repository,
mailing list,
and the
generated website
which is the place to do your Linux searching!
- Why: Provides convenient access to information needed by
all levels of Linux users.
- How: LoLL GPLed software and data (scripts, configuration
files, and a bookmark file that contains the basic link information),
are used in combination with
bk2site to generate the Loads of Linux Links
- Who:
Andrew Willard and
Barbara E. Irwin.
- Version: 1.1.0.
- Date: 2003 April 23.
What's New in Version 1.1.0?
We've incremented the minor number for this release in honour of a new look
to the website, better search engine, W3C compliancy, and much improved
selection of the underlying data (1400 links added, 500 links
deleted, bringing the total to 4000+ links). See the CHANGES for details.