Berkeley Database - Oracle Embedded Database
- Open source, embeddable databases that allows developers to incorporate within their applications a fast, scalable, transactional database engine with industrial grade reliability and availability.
Bibus Bibliographic Database
- A cross-platform bibliographic and reference management software with foreign language support through Unicode and gettext. Available in Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Firebird - Relational Database for the New Millennium
- A relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of UNIX platforms. Latest stable release is 2.1.3, 2009-09-08.
- A set of database routines that use extensible hashing. The routines work like the UNIX dbm routine. Latest stable release is 1.10, 2011-11-13.
- A GNOME application that provides a graphical front-end to PostgreSQL database creation and maintenance. Latest release is 1.12, 2009-12-31.
Knoda - Knorr's Database
- A database front-end for KDE3 based on hk_classes. Latest stable release is 0.83, 2006-12-17.
- A backward compatible, community-developed branch of the MySQL database server. It includes all major open source storage engines, including the Maria storage engine. Latest stable release is 5.2.3, 2010-11-10.
MySQL Documentation
- The main documentation site for MySQL. It contains links to the various versions of the MySQL Reference Manual. Excellent multilingual support.
MySQL and Moodss
- Moodss (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic SpreadSheet) fully supports the MySQL database; a modular graphical monitoring application for MySQL servers.
- A community directory designed to encourage MySQL users and developers to communicate, collaborate, and share MySQL code and applications.
MySql Developer Zone
- A relational database management system. The source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. This link is for developers and the MySql community. Latest stable release is 5.1.53, 2010-11-19.
Oracle FAQ
- A resource site for Oracle users. In addition to the FAQ, there are message boards, sample code, books, links, job listings, tools, USENET archives, mailing list archives, forums, scripts, and tools.
Perst Embedded Database
- An object-oriented, open source (licensed under the GPLv2) embedded database management system for Java.
PostgreSQL Home Page
- An open source relational database system; this is the primary site for PostgreSQL information. Includes documentation, mailing lists, information for developers, weekly news and downloads.
PostgreSQL Wiki - User Documentation and Contributor Collaboration
- An excellent, up-to-date site for PostgreSQL documentation,including tutorials, installation guides, known bugs and fixes, cookbooks,reference manuals/guides, books and lots of related resources. User documentation is also available in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
- A toolkit for Oracle; features a PL/SQL debugger, SQL worksheet with syntax highlighting, a database browser and a set of database administration tools. A GPLed, cross-platform application.
The pgAdmin homepage
- A comprehensive design and management interface for PostgreSQL database; cross-platform and multilingual (25+ languages) interface.
The phpMyAdmin Project
- A tool for handling the administration of MySQL over the Web. Latest release is 3.2.1, 2009-08-09.
The unixODBC Home Page
- An open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access data sources, including SQL Servers and any data source with an ODBC Driver. Latest release is 2.2.14, 2008-11-19.
XML Database Products
- An extensive directory of XML database products currently available.